Move files and folders
To move a file or a folder between different collections on Google Docs, drag it from one collection and drop it into another. Or, cut (CTRL+X) it from one collection and paste (CTRL+V) it into another.
To copy a file or a folder to another collection, hold the “Ctrl” key, drag it and drop it in the destination collection. Or, copy (CTRL+C) it in one collection and paste (CTRL+V) it in another.
To copy (upload) a file or a folder from your local computer to Google Docs, drag it from your computer and drop it in the GDocsDrive window. Or, copy (CTRL+C) it on your computer and paste (CTRL+V) it on GDocsDrive.
To copy (download) a file or a folder from Google Docs to your computer, drag it from GDocsDrive and drop it on your computer desktop or in another folder.